James W. Abendschan (unkadath!
Fri, 7 Oct 1994 07:09:52 -0700 (MDT)

> Hi,
> As far as I have seen the following is sufficient:
> -smpt_debug in config
> check_path in transports (after the 'file' sub)
> arg_debug_file should be added to the 'if then' resseting userid with
> certain arguments. This is in main.c and from memory.

there is another problem that was discovered recently which allows
people to write to any non-existant file on the system and append
to any file with semi user-controllable data.  comp.mail.smail has
a patch that will fix this -- i suggest you apply it if you run smail.

James W. Abendschan                                                "Hi Roy!"
shamus@unkadath.uucp,                                   -- Pris